
Sonia Maria De Oliveira

My name is Sonia Maria De Oliveira, and I’m Brazilian. I was born in a beautiful city called Ribeirao Preto, located in the state of São Paulo, but in my veins, blood flows also Italian, as is the case for many of my countrymen.
Italy is in my heart and my husband Attilio comes from this wonderful country.
I am the mother of a beautiful girl named Fabiana.
After studying dentistry at the State University of Sao Jose dos Campos, I practiced as a dentist , and in recent years I approached the painting to win the nostalgia, painting that has transformed my life and filled it with joy and colors.
I also formed thanks to the teachings of the painter Carla Zoboli, from Modena. But I want to emphasize that for me as a painter is not a profession but a passion of a special gift that comes from the depths of my soul.
The colors that I represent are those of nature, life, harmony and lightness joined together to express the Light of God. They are bright colors, strong, cheerful, inviting you to the joy of existence, as only a woman who unites the souls Brazilian and Italian can try to do.
When I paint, my soul vibrates, rises and can not express the feelings that go beyond materiality. I thank God for this gift.

Video interview


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